November 27, 2019
- Status update by component
- Open section for the community (Please add your agenda items)
- Anyone can propose topics for discussion
Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 175 205
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Component update
- Action: FlightTask docs (thanks @MaEtUgR)
- New CAN PM Docs
Flight Testing
- CUAV Nano reported Issues might not be hardware-specific needs investigation
Weekly Report
System Architecture
OS / NuttX
- MAVLink Call Minutes from November 27th meeting
- MAVLink Microservices versioning proposal (team hopes a decision will be made on the next call)
- MAVLink encryption proposal needs feedback
- New driver for
(6.6 kHz) - New sensor messages (with clip counts)
- Battery state PR needs more testing
VTOL & Fixed Wing
- Follow the NXP VTOL development, please share your feedback (by @igalloway)
- Designed and planned a roadmap for setup update, post on forums coming soon by @TSC21
- Team is waiting for v1 c++ lib to start porting to PX4
- Question: What are the requirements for the c++ lib (@TSC21)
- Team looking for feedback on the v1 spec and implementation
- Join the Dev Call
No update this week.
Open section for the community
Commander discussion by @MaEtUgR
- Classes should have a state, implementation is hard, need advice
- Action: @MaEtUgR please open issue to track all PRs
Durandal Launch
- New hardware from Holybro based on H7
- Team investigate v1.11-alpha
CUAV Plans two H7 hardware releases
- Needs coordination with dev-team
- CUAV needs to provide schematics to review and a copy of pinout they followed with any changes they implemented (@JingerZ)
V1.10 Release
- Push for more testing from the community (@rroche)
- Plan is to tag a second release candidate, give it testing for a week, and call it stable by the next dev call if we don’t see any reports
ADS1115 Driver by @SalimTerryLi
- Discussion follow-up on Slack #hardware channel
Errata and Feedback
Let me know below if I failed to capture anything the right way, and if there are any updates, or you have feedback on the call format.