With click to "Set RC to Param..." no Dialog appear

my setup:
on the Radio tab, i assigned a channel using PARAM1 tuning channel. RC_MAP_PARAM1 = Channel 8

on the Parameter Tab (Advanced Settings) I tried using FW_THR_CRUISE as Tuning Param 1 but with an click to: “Set RC to Param…” no Dialog appear

All trial’s with other params lead to the same behaviour.
with an click to: “Set RC to Param…” no Dialog appear!

For an crosscheck i tried the Android App but i seems that the Tuning Param feature is not available.

Are there any further preconditions i have to meet to get the feature working?

My Hardware:
SkyHunter 1800 (Fixed Wing normal plane)
Pixhawk 4 Mini

My Software:
Stack: PX4 Pro
Vehicle: Fixed Wing
Version: 1.10.1
Git Revision: e0f016c2b3000000
QGC 4.0 for Windows

I don’t see the dialog either. @DonLakeFlyer ?
It’s unclear if this should be in or not.

4.0.10 you don’t even get the dialog when you click the button.

RC param dialog support has been fixed in daily builds

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sounds great thank’s, but where i get a windows build?
i know the GitHub but it provides only Releases from master branch.
is it possible to get a artifact from the CI Server
what is the naming scheme on the AWS to checkout a specific version.

Internet search on “qgroundcontrol daily build” will take you right to it: https://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/master/en/releases/daily_builds.html

i know this page but i deadlocked on this.
the links here leads to the latest release for a specific platform but never to a daily build.
You are right for Android Apps but i prefer a Windows Application.
Linux maybe possible for me but there are no daily builds too.
BTW. can you give me the Git Commit id/hash for the fix

Huh? All the links on that page are to daily builds. The link on the page for Windows is https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/qgroundcontrol/builds/master/QGroundControl-installer.exe which is the latest daily build.