[SOLVED] Airspeed sensor not recognized - tab missing in QGC

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with airspeed sensor, out of the 5 pixhawk I have, only 1 recognize it. In QGC in the sensor tab I don’t have anything about airspeed (only when connected to the “good” pixhawk).

The airspeed sensor is a JMT F19129/30, and the pixhawk tested are version 2 (cube) and Pixhawk 4. The fact that it works well on a cube show that the airspeed sensor works. I use the latest stable version of PX4, QGC is up to date. Circuit breaker for airspeed is 0.

After hours of research I don’t know where to look. If someone has any idea on this problem, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance !

Check the settings of the FW_ARSP_MODE and CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK parameters such that they indicate you want to use an airspeed sensor.


Thanks for the reply! However I don’t have any parameter named FW_ARSP_MODE.

CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK is set to 0.

I double checked that I had the latest version of px4 (V1.8.2).

Any idea ?
Thanks !

  • What version firmware are you using?
  • What airframe type did you choose?
  • What Bootloader version shows up during firmware upgrade?
  • Have you tried loading the Developer (master) version?

Good luck.

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Thank you so much !!! The airframe was the problem. I have to admit that I feel a bit stupid, it was a custom airframe which my company configured, and nobody thought to check that. Going back to a default airframe enabled airspeed.

Again thank you for your time !

Hi there, I have a similar problem in which I am trying to use an airspeed sensor for a Holybro s500 quadcopter. It seems that the airspeed sensor tab is not displayed for this configuration. Is there any way to still use the airspeed sensor with a quadcopter using QGC or do I have to use an Arduino to read in the airspeed values instead. I am using the MEAS MS4525DO pitot tube airspeed sensor plugged into the I2C port on the Pixhawk 4.

Hello, I’m also facing this same issue. Although i switched the airframe from 3 different models in QGC but still there is no air speed tab under my sensors.
I’m using the same sensor as @wali and same connection too.
And i also did the all of the above process and enabled all the parameter setting.

Thank You.

Hey @Sindusagar_Kamurthi, I solved this issue by using Mission Planner with ArduPilot, I was unable to configure the airspeed sensor using QGC, and I switched to mission planner and was able to configure it relatively easily.
Link to docs: here

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SENS_EN_MS4525DO (INT32) check this parameter, if you are using digital airspeed sensor with I2C port. Reboot required.


Please, tell me that do s500 generic quadcopter airframe supports barometer for pixhawk, although pixhawk has inbuilt barometer. But i cant get the data and i need those very badly.
what can i doo…??:smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

thanks for the suggestion bro,
the quadcopter airframe does not support sensor tab, only fixed wing frame models have airspeed sensor support in QGC

Yes, It depends on the airframe you are using.
if you still want to use airspeed sensor, then may be you can create your own airframe and you can enable airspeed sensor there.
Or you can use Generic Quad VTOL, where you use it only for quadcopter mode but you can still use airspeed sensor.

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I had my own airspeed sensor issues and this solved them!

Thank you very much. This ended some big headaches for me.

I have some similar issue but Airspeed is activated. On Linux Machine latest QGC I have the issue, but not in Windows.