Servos don't move

Hi Guys!

I’m trying to setup a new fixed wing, standard plane.

Unfortunately I don’t get the servos to work. Everything else (arming, etc.) is working fine so far. I’m powering the Pins with a seperate 5V BEC. The servos are getting electricity for sure, because they are moving for a short time when i plug them in.

Has anyone an idea, what I did wrong?

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I don’t have a Pixhawk 4 but will attempt to at least guide you to look in the right direction. Please provide more detail of your setup:

  • What firmware version?
  • What airframe selected?
  • What errors/messages is QGC giving up to the point when you arm?
  • Is your USB still connected while attempting to start?
  • What circuit breakers do you have activated, i.e. CBRK_??? (in Parameters)?

Good luck.

They are working now, didn’t know that the signal output is at M1, M2, M3,…

Is there any possibility to get the signal output to the normal pins, like I’ve tried before?

Latest Firmware (updated yesterday), Bormatec Maja airframe

Is there any possibility to get the signal output to the normal pins, like I’ve tried before?

You can swap the FMU and IO cables to have the IO (Main) outputs on the servo headers.

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Now it’s perfect, many thanks!

Hi there kind of new with the whhole avionics and flight computers and was just looking for some answers cus im stuck with a similar problem im doing a fixed wing with 2 ailerons, 2 rudders, 2 flaps and one elevator. I want to use the PDBs pins to send the signal to the servos however i cant seem to set it up on mission planner. Any help is appreciated 🫶🏽
Heres an image of the setup