I am working on setting up my plane for the first time, and am running into some issues that I am hoping someone can help me with.
I have been following along with the guide, and have successfully installed the software, configured my transmitter, etc. to the point where I am ready to setup the actuators. I have set it up like this:
which I believe is correct, however when I enable the sliders under “actuator testing” and move the sliders, nothing happens. The only way I can get the actuators to move is by moving the sticks on my transmitter, and that results in the wrong behavior (for example, when I command ‘pitch down’ only one of the servos moves, and it does so in the wrong direction.
For reference, am using the following hardware:
- Flying wing with 1 motor and two elevon servos
- Pixhawk 4
- TaranisQ X7 transmitter
- X8R receiver
- QGroundControl, with the generic flying wing airframe
I have my elevons connected to 1 and 2 on the receiver, and the motor on 3. The receiver is connected to the Pixhawk using SBUS. On the transmitter, I have it configured such that channel 1 is aileron, channel 2 is elevator, channel 3 is throttle and channel 4 is rudder. I believe this configuration is correct, as the attitude controls on “Radio Setup” do behave as expected.
Any ideas how to fix this? I feel like I am missing some simple configuration step, but have been troubleshooting for a while now with no luck.