Greetings everyone!
I have a problem/ question regarding the S-BUS OUT port on the Pixhawk 4.
My setup is as it follows:
- transmitter: Radiomaster TX16S with RFD TX-MOD v.2
- receiver: RFD 900ux 2.0
- a rover with 2 stepper motors
- Mission Planner for mission command.
The rover I have can only accept 2 protocols: IBUS and SBUS.
I connected the receiver to Pixhawk 4 in the TELEM1 and DSM/ SBUS RC ports. On Radiomaster I selected the External RF as S-BUS. The binding is made and in Mission Planner I can see the inputs in Radio Calibration.
The problem is as it follows:
To send the signal from the autopilot to the CPU of the rover, I use the SBUS OUT port of the Pixhawk 4. The problem is that the CPU doesn’t receive the signal and the rover doesn’t move.
I also want to mention that if I connect the rover directly to the receiver, it register the signal and the rover move as intended.
How can I make the rover move using the SBUS OUT port?