QGC in Herelink with Px4 stack in Pixhawk Orange CUBE


I have updated Herelink radio telemetry using the Android settings-----system update menu …But now I have a issue. The unit is are paired but I don’t see any uplink rate or uplink bandwidth information under RADIO menu . This is possibly becos Herelink Air unit is not communicating with Orange CUBE. Can you advice what are the suitable comm. parameters for Mavlink protocol to work properly.


hey @sibujacob have you went through the herelink docs yet? https://docs.cubepilot.org/user-guides/herelink/herelink-user-guides/one-time-setup

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Yes , I have.
I am facing the issue of updating the Airlink unit via flash USB. My laptop is not recognizing the google USB driver in windows 10. Any idea if there is another platform to update the Air unit

No sorry, you might have better luck with your question on the cubepilot forums https://discuss.cubepilot.org

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The issue has been resolved. We had to use Zadig drivers to install the correct ADB drivers for the Air link unit to flash properly.

Good to read your issue was resolved, thanks for posting back

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