PX4 EKF2 system-wide replay

Hey! I’m trying to playback the following ULG with px4 1.14.2, but cannot recreate the original data. The local position z (and vz) look similar, but x and y look terrible, thus I’m guessing there are issues with the optical flow topic. Can someone take a look?

The log is here:

My workflow is as follows:
export replay=“folder to ulg”
export replay_mode=ekf2
make px4_sitl none

The setup is as follows:

  • cube orange
  • ark flow/distance sensor
  • extra magnetometer

Additionally, separate unrelated question, I wondered if running the kalman filter at a higher frequency would be better? I don’t know if the imu msgs are batched and a lower frequency just means that you are making use of the output predictor for a longer time or that you are throwing away imu msgs.