Hardware: cube + mini carrier
Firmware version: 1.10.1
Airframe type: Quadrotor X
ESC Tmotor AIR 20A + Tmotor 2216 1100Kv
What I observe is that I do not have enough throttle to take off
- We first thought it was the motor but after testing them on our Thrust measurment platform, it appears that they deliver the thrust w/r to % of throttle mentioned in the constructor table;
- The ESC are properly calibrated with QGroundControl;
- The RC has been properly calibrated with QGroundControl;
Actually what I observed when I was using the Analyzer widget is that when the throttle is moving from 1000 to around 1400, there is some thrust but if the throttle is moving above 1400, no more thrust is produced or even it is going done…
Here is an image showing the issue and it is possible to visualize a video here
The throttle channel is displayed on the top of the image and the output (aux1) is shown at the bottom.
Here is an image showing that the throttle range is from 1000 to 2000:
This is the first time I experience such problem and although I identified the issue, I do not know how to solve it. So please if there is somebody who can help