Installation with Gazebo Classic

I am trying to install PX4 from the following link: Support | PX4 Guide (main)
I followed all the steps correctly, however, when running the offboard controller example, I am not able to launch Gazebo. Also, I wish to use Gazebo Garden as it is compatible with ROS 2 Humble. However, while following the steps given, it is automatically installing Gazebo Classic. How do I fix this? Please let me know.

Hello Vedant,

Can you share the logs and your dev environment details to look into the issue?

Hi, i have struggled to start the sim to try controlling it using ROS2 too. However, i have managed to get it working by following this documentation exactly on the native Ubuntu 22.04.

Just follow it blindly and you may get some errors initially but after restarting 5-10 times you would have it working perfectly after

I have tried to run it in a docker container but it just adds more errors