Inconsistent RPM between CW and CCW propellers

Hello, I’ve been debugging some new quads recently. During hovering, I’ve noticed frequent yaw drift. After checking the logs, I found that the RPMs of the CW and CCW motors are different. I’ve inspected the propellers and motors, and they’re all mounted perpendicular to the ground (at least there’s no noticeable deviation). The motors are of the same model, the propellers lengths are the same, and propellers don’t apparent imbalance. However, the logs clearly show that they’re producing different outputs, and the accelerometer noise also reflects the difference in motor speeds. It seems that the CW motors indeed require higher RPMs to achieve the same thrust as the CCW motors, but I don’t understand why. Thank you for your help.
Logs: Flight Review - Quadrotor (

I’ve solved the problem. My quad’s CW motor was tilted by less 0.5 degrees.The impact it caused was surprising.