Current format to send mocap pose to PX4 using ROS2?

Hi everyone, sorry if this is stupid, but I am struggling to find a definitive answer for how to send mocap data to PX4 using ROS2. The information in the documentation seems to be pretty scattered.

There is this entry: External Position Estimation, but it seems to be based on ROS1 and not ROS2, and for example “vehicle_visual_odometry” does not seem to be a uOrb topic anymore? Or at least its not in PX4_msgs ROS2 package.

Then there is this: Motion Capture which suggests just needing to send ATT_POS_MOCAP using mavros, but not much more information. Will the EKF2 incorporate this data? Will it replace the EKF entirely? Additionally, I take it mavros is compatible with ROS2 humble? Most documentation I can find seems to be for ROS not ROS2.

Finally, is there a way to do this directly using the PX4_msgs package with ROS2? Rather than going through mavlink/mavros?

A definitive answer would be fantastic. Been rifling through documentation for a long time! Sorry if the above is obvious.

Publish to /fmu/in/vehicle_visual_odometry :slight_smile: