What about to add 4 propellers to the parrot disco?

Hello to everyone.

Some year ago I’ve bought my first drone,the parrot disco. Even today I like very much this drone because after it went out of production the price collapsed, but its quality did not. And with the mod its value and quality even increased. I would like to do an experiment. Or better,I’m not able,I’m looking for an engineer that can tell me if it can be done,what downsides there could be and how much money I need. Basically I want to add 4 propellers to the disco and I want integrate them on the C.H.U.C.K system. These propellers should be enabled only if the drone reaches certain altitude and weather conditions. I imagine that the software should be re-programmed in some way. The aim is to create a better drone,a drone that can fly vertically and horizontally depending on some parameters,to save some battery and to allow the drone to be piloted in a more elastic way. I would like to know how hard is to do something like this. Which kind of hardware and software modifications are needed and more or less,how much money are needed. thanks.

You should ask that question on

very thanks. didn’t know about this forum.