VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE not appearing in QGroundControl

I’m using a ZED 2i stereo-vision camera to publish VIO data through ROS1 Noetic to a Pixhawk Cube Orange, and the drone enters POSITION flight mode using this data, but after 2 years at this point, still have not got it to stay still using this data, I have tried what feels like everything, I have confirmed the data is being received in the MAVLINK Console on QGC, using “listener vehicle_visual_odometry”, but in the MAVLINK Inspector, I don’t have VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE appearing, can anyone suggest why this might be and if it matters?

I’m using a Jetson Nano to publish the data, transforms are performed using the following: code being used.

Furthermore, any help with actually getting the VIO data from the ZED 2i to make the drone hold its position while in POSITION flight mode would be greatly appreciated, giving up at this stage and putting my studies in jepordary because of it.