🚨 The #PX4DevSummit is back in-person!

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:mega: Community, we have been busy working behind the scenes to bring back our flagship event, and it’s my pleasure to announce our plans for the (In Person) PX4 Developer Summit 2022.

It seems like the first #PX4DevSummit in Zurich was only yesterday, but two whole years have passed, and it’s about time we get together to celebrate all of our achievements as a (really big) family!

We are bringing the show to beautiful Austin, Texas, on June 23 & 24, hosted at the JW Marriott, joined by other communities from the Embedded Linux Conference and the Open Source Summit. We are sure to have a lot going with thousands of developers from the broader open-source community.

We still have many more details to unveil (stay tuned), but please mark your calendars for now. We promise a great time, with lots to learn and way more networking opportunities.

:writing_hand: Call for Proposals

Today we are announcing the opening of the CFP, and I want to outline the details for this year’s process:

Committee Members
The Program Committee will be formed by Dronecode’s TSC, lead contributors from the open-source projects, and our representatives from top sponsors.

The topics we are looking for are:

  • Any talks related to the open-source projects hosted within the Dronecode Foundation umbrella: PX4 Autopilot, QGroundControl, MAVSDK, MAVLink, Pixhawk
  • Other Drone or Robotics Open Source technologies, such as (but not limited to) ROS & UAVCAN
  • Offboard control
  • State Estimation
  • Simulation
  • Hardware integration
  • Computer Vision, VIO, Obstacle Avoidance
  • AI / ML
  • Deep Learning
  • Cloud / Edge
  • Advancements in hardware development for Drones


  • CFP Open: March 18th (Today!)
  • CFP Closes: April 19th
  • CFP Notifications: Week of May 2nd
  • Schedule Announcement: Week of May 9th
  • Presentation Slide Due Date: June 13th
  • Event Dates: Thursday, June 23rd - Friday, June 24th, 2022

Since we are back in person, we are pushing for increased content diversity, and we welcome any of the below:

  • Session Presentation: 30-min
  • Panel Discussions: 30-min
  • Birds of a Feather: 45/60-min
  • Lightning Talk: 5/15-min
  • Workshop: 1.5/2-hours

Apply to the CFP directly on our Website

You can submit your proposals using the link below (which will also be available on our website shortly). If you have any questions about the CFP, please email dfevents@linuxfoundation.org.

:pushpin: Registration & Sponsorships are now open!

I can’t personally wait to see you in Austin, and I genuinely hope we can all be there!