Tailsitter Duorotor Feedback

Hi Guys
im new to the Tail sitter project and would like to ask for some help.
I’m running the pixracer from auav and have loaded the caipiroshka airframe (master)
i run into some trouble when trying to calibrate the compass.
the message i get is

Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left.
[cal] calibration started: 2 mag
[cal] Skipped scale calibration, sensor 2
[cal] ERROR: out of memory
[cal] calibration failed: mag

the board seems to run out of memory,
whats your advice to solve this

Hi guys.I have built a duo tailsitter:

I do a testing fly with it,and the log is following:Flight Review

I hand it and speed up the motors to test the response of the airframe in Stabilized flight mode,then I hand free it at about 3:00:00,then it climb up to the sky and with pitch 0(nose up),I switched flight mode to Position at about 3:12:00,then it can’t keep the attitude(nose up) and cracked.

thanks for any help.

3s 1500mah, xxd2208 1400KV,8045 propeller,a 30a ESC and a 20a ESC.

Hello I am new in this VTOL model, I would like to know how it behaves in flight modes: Stabilized and position

So for the tailsitter the compass is calibrated flat as a normal A/C and then nose up for the level? Thanks

The page does not work

Updated link: https://docs.px4.io/en/frames_vtol/vtol_tailsitter_caipiroshka_pixracer.html

Hi Tailsitter-Lovers!
I just finished my first Tailsitter on PX4, and did the first flights. In general it’s “mostly” working. But what happened already 3 times during transition is the same which I read here from other users:
Transition in stabilized mode, sometimes the planeflies upside down on forward flight!
In doesn’t react to roll or pitch steering at all (stabilized mode) in this case! Also not after ~30s, when I’m sure it has reached enough forward airspeed.

Was this problem solved?
(I’m not on the latest PX4 version yet. Will this solve the problem?)

Will the same happen in Position-Mode? Haven’t tried and tuned this yet.

Thank you!
Best regards,

Fellow tailsitter Duorotor builders,

I, like many of you are experimenting with a dual rotor tailsitter. I have read through many of these posts trying to resolve some of my issues which are similar to others but have not seen any specific resolutions. Here are my questions, sorry if these have been answered somewhere else.

  1. Autopilot orientation: if my autopilot is flat to the airframe but 270 in yaw should i also have a 90 degree adjustment for pitch prior to doing calibrations? This would set the autopilot level in MC mode. 
  2. Should calibrations be done as the airframe is a MC or FW?
  3. I have my transition switch set up for channel 7 in QGC. I am able to see the change in signal on the transmitter configuration page. Is there anywhere in QGC to monitor its mode? The screen in QGC where you can see the current GPS location and attitude, at the top of the screen I am able to see the flight modes change between manual, stabilize, alt hold, etc... and it displays Fixed Wing. When I flip my transition switch this indication does not change to Multi Rotor, should it change?

I really appreciate any feedback anyone may have.

Closing as stale