Shared FrSky telemetry

Hello community, and thank again for the amaizing job !
I get S.port telemetry on my Taranis 9XD+ from FMUv5 (Durandal or PixHawk4) under v1.12.3…
Separately, Frsky’s sensors and Pixhawk work well…
But if all are connected to the same S.port, they don’t … or heretically with no predictable “lost sensors” …
I have for sure carefully checked that there is no id conflict (change the id of some FrSky sensors)

Now comes the very curious fact:

If I start the FMU with the Frsky’s sensors unpowered (+ wire pull off), the fmu telem works like a charm including with the amazing ilihack’s luapilot script
After this startup, I can push-on the Frsky’s sensor, and they instantly “jump” on my TX screen and work for hours without alert!..

Is there someone with an explanation ? or maybe a direction to dig…


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Hi everyone !
I have found a way to dig :wink:
May be their is a sort of “hesitation” between sport & D telemetry in auto detection…

If I start the FMU with the Frsky_telemetry off: TEL_FRSKY_CONFIG = 0
The frsky’s sensors connect nicely.
Next I send by the console:
frsky_telemetry start -d /dev/ttyS2 -m sport_single_invert
Forcing telem2 & SPORT
And all the telemetry work together !

I have just to find the way to add the command line in my SD “config.txt”… Hoping delay was sufficient… I think (but not sure ) that “external sensors” must be well connected before activate telem2…

Is there a way to delay such type of command ?


I have learn many things today !

I have create a new fs/microsd/etc/extras.txt
can be used to start additional applications after the main system boot.
With the starting of Telem2 frsky_telemetry:

set -e # Will abort boot if mandatory_app is unknown or fails
frsky_telemetry start -d /dev/ttyS2 -m sport_single_invert

And both, Fmu sensors and external ones works perfectly well…

I don’t know why and it’s a little bit frustrating :wink: but well, now I can wait for understand: I can move forward !

Thanks for all future explanations :pray:

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Doc: Modules Reference: Communication | PX4 User Guide