Hey guys, I am setting up pixracer v1 with the latest px4 firmware,
I successfully connected CRSF receiver to rc in(using sbus) I did the radio/switched calibration and I see the correct movements on the bars, I also assign ch6-4 but I cannot control the servos no matter what, I supply 5v and GND the the servo rails, and I do hear that’s the servos are working, but I can’t control them from my remote, why?
I have a lot of experience with Ardu,INAV and Betaflight.
Is it actually armed when you try this?
No, do I need to arm to have servo movement when the plane is on ground?
I see. I don’t believe that’s possible at the moment but I could be wrong.
Let’s double check with @sfuhrer: is it possible to move servos when disarmed (but safety button off)?
So I have succeed, I had to arm and put the servos from aux1to4 I was using Her3 that’s doesn’t have safety button, so I had to calibrate everything thing. inav and ardu you don’t need to arm in order the control servos, I think the way to make it safe so no one will cut is fingers is just disable the motor output, but still be able to control throttle, aileron and elevator.
You can also set COM_PREARM_MODE, then you don’t need to arm to move the servos.
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