Searching for autopilot equivalent actions in PX4

Hey guys,

Trying to get a px4 autopilot running on beaglebone. I have two questions:

  1. Is there a px4 equivalent of:
    [Part 2 - Putting ArduPilot on the BeagleBone Blue: Step 17]
    I see beaglebone blue config defined at β€œβ€¦/Firmware/boards/beaglebone/blue/default.px4board”, do I need to add below and cross compile:
    CONFIG_BOARD_SERIAL_TEL1=β€œ-C /dev/ttyS1”
    CONFIG_BOARD_SERIAL_TEL2=β€œ-A udp::14550”
    CONFIG_BOARD_SERIAL_GPS1=β€œ-B /dev/ttyS2”

  2. Is there PX4 equivalent of [Part 2 - Putting ArduPilot on the BeagleBone Blue: Step 18], where I can enable certain HW actions before the PX4 software runs ? Or is already included as part of PX4 configuration for beaglebone

  1. Have you looked at the docs? BeagleBone Blue | PX4 User Guide

For serial port configuration you want to see Serial Port Configuration | PX4 User Guide and MAVLink Peripherals (GCS/OSD/Companion) | PX4 User Guide

  1. Perhaps use the normal autostart?
    BeagleBone Blue | PX4 User Guide

Note, I haven’t tried this, so if not in the docs can’t help. Would welcome your feedback if any sections seem incorrect.

Thanks @hamishwillee pointing me the right resources, that answers my question. Sorry for not responding earlier .We can close this thread.

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