QGroundControl Not Connecting via Telemetry Radio (UART2)


I am trying to connect and configure my drone to QGroundControl using a Holybro SiK Telemetry Radio V3 (433MHz). ( SiK Telemetry Radio V3 – Holybro Store ) One module is connected to my flight controller (UART2: TX2/RX2), and the other is connected to my PC via USB.

When I connect the drone directly to the PC via USB, QGroundControl detects it without any issues. However, when I try to connect via the telemetry radios, QGroundControl does not detect the drone.

Here’s what I have checked so far:

The two radio modules are paired (solid green LED on both).
The module connected to the PC appears as a serial port (Device 015)

I have tried several different MAVLink configurations, but the connection still does not work. I also noticed that TELEM2 is typically used for UART2, so I configured it accordingly. However, QGroundControl still does not detect the drone.

Could this issue be related to MAVLink settings, or am I missing something else?

Setup Details:

Flight Controller: Holybro Kakute H7 mini
Firmware: PX4
QGroundControl Version: 4.4.3
Operating System: Linux
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.