I am assembling the Applied Aeronautics Albatross UAV, and I am having some trouble establishing a connection with the RFD 900X Telemetry Modem on the aircraft via QGroundControl.
QGroundControl indicated that the error is caused by the difference in version. Please see the attached photo for details.
That is just a warning that the radio does not support mavlink 2.0. As far as getting an RFD 900 setup up and working I can’t help, although I’ve seen multiple people fight with it (appears to be a huge pain to set up) and eventually get it working.
Thanks for your input. As long as this error message persists, I can’t establish the telemetry module connection. I think I’ll end up tweaking something within QGroundControl, for there is nothing I can adjust on the RFD 900x.
Ultimately, I was able to access the RFD900x settings via the screen tool: sudo screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AL02UPSP 57600 8N1
But, I could not figure out how to update the firmware, nor could I get the python uploader.py tool inlcuded in SiK to function. Later I realized that the SiK repository doesn’t even list the RFD 900x as a supported radio! This made me feel very silly.
The SiK repository is depreciated (it relies heavily on Python2 to compile, has a heap of dependencies and sub-dependencies, and does not support RFD900x).
Hello, am trying to connect 3dr telemetry to qgroundcontrol to connect to my quadcopter. But my qgc is not detecting the telemetry module. Neither am i able to arm the quadcopter using telemetry. Can anyone please suggest me how to make this work.
Thanks in advance!!!