QGroundControl incessant yawing after PID

Hi everyone,

I’ve got a custom quadcopter with a Pixhawk 6X RT, running on the latest PX4 firmware. For a reason unknown to me, after PID tuning the drone keeps yawing counterclockwise, I can see the setpoint following my commands but the response in nowhere near close it, it just does it’s own thing and keeps yawing (even when going 100% clockwise yaw to counteract this, it still keeps yawing CCW without a noticeable change in speed). None of the changes in yaw tuning seem to make a difference. I’ve checked geometry, swapped out the props, checked all ESCs, I can’t seem to find any obvious thing I might have missed.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Could you share if this is with PX4 ? and if yes, do you have any logs to share?