PX4 firmware problem

Good morning,

I clone the code available on github (PX4-Autopilot) on my virtual machine with the commande “git clone https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git --recursive”. Then I build it with the commande “make px4_fmu-v5_default” and I flash it on my controler. There is no problem for flashing but when charging is complete, the GPS beep but there is no error on display on my QGControl. I noticed that my range finder (LL40Ls) has the orientation “down”.

When I flash the “PX4 Pro stable release” (http://px4-travis.s3.amazonaws.com/Firmware/stable/px4fmu-v5_default.px4) there is no problem but the LL40Ls has the orientation “forward”.
I don’t understand, The px4 pro stable release isn’t the code on the github ?

Thank you for your response.

When you cloned it you got the Master branch which is the next version still brewing.
You need to change to the stable release branch and build that.
That branch would be release/1.11
In this case you would want to

git checkout tags/<tag_name>

Where the tag name v1.11.2
I suggest you learn a bit about git. It would be helpful to know more.

Hi @Mael_Forestal, as far as I know, the default orientation is downward as all other range sensor.
Here the pull request to fix the bug on 28 August.

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@Mael_Forestal; Hello, I just found this PX4 Firmware problem here and I need your help…? I have a Holybro Pixhawk 4 Flight Controller for my Quadcopter. I was using Mission Planner bcuz… QGC had ton’s (844) issues a while back, I didn’t want any Problems…! Some how Mission Planner put “Ardupilot ChibiOS” on my PX 4 board… Now when I try to update firmware in QGC…when it connects to F/C it shows, “found ardupilot chibiOS” “connected to bootloader” and QGC shows “erasing” Copying files, program complete…! If I go back to Firmware again, it still shows “ardupilot chibiOS” as Bootloader… I need to know how you were able/Process for QGC to Flash the ([http://px4-travis.s3.amazonaws.com/Firmware/stable/px4fmu-v5_default.px4… to your px4…? =) Thanks in Advance…! =) James…

Hi @Ja_L_Pa and sorry for the response time. To flash the firmware, I simply use a USB cable and steps describe in the help https://docs.px4.io/v1.11/en/config/firmware.html. Perhaps you need to reflash the default firmware on your device or reset it but I don’t have enough experience to tell you if this is the right solution, sorry. Maël

Hi @Ja_L_Pa I have the same issue, did you solve it?