PX4 compatible rx

is radiolink sbus not supported. How sbus is differeent in different controllers. :thinking:

That list is what has been tested and what has worked (for a very long time). I would hope other implementations of SBUS to be compatible with Futaba (the original I believe) but until someone verifies we don’t know.

@sfuhrer Do you happen to know? Or who would know?

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I’m not the expert on sbus, sorry. I asked Matthias, maybe he knows.

is radiolink sbus not supported

@abisop SBUS is supported by PX4 and used in production for a very long time.

How sbus is differeent in different controllers.

Sadly there’s no detailed protocol definition of SBUS. It originated as servo bus protocol developed by Futaba. It somehow stuck as an improved digital RC receiver to autopilot protocol compared to the previous analog PPM sum signals. It’s usually implemented in a mostly compatible way but there are some nuances about the exact channel range and extra fields that in the past had caused issues.

I used PX4 with SBUS from various FrSky receivers, TBS Crossfire with SBUS as output protocol, Futaba SBUS remote, Herelink (and Spektrum but not SBUS) and I’m not aware of any existing compatibility issues. The last SBUS specific improvement that went into PX4 1.14 was rc/sbus: restart parser after sucessful decoding & increase time limit by bkueng · Pull Request #20071 · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub

What’s your planned setup? Do you have any specific questions?


FYI, updated note in line with ^^^ in Note SBUS compatibility is broader than previously listed by hamishwillee · Pull Request #3412 · PX4/PX4-user_guide · GitHub

Thanks @hamishwillee and @MaEtUgR for your time.
It was my fault only.
Also we can add radiolink receiver in docs( compatible receivers).