PX4 Community Q&A: April 12, 2023

April 12, 2023

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  • Community Announcement
  • Community Q&A
  • General Discussions

:loudspeaker: Community Announcement

A.1 : v1.14 Beta Testing is open!


A.2: CFP for PX4 Dev Summit 2023 is open!!

Submit your proposal to the most prominent event devoted to open-source drones.

Have an idea, but are you unsure if it’s worth the shot? Ask below in this thread!

:hourglass_flowing_sand:CFP Deadline: July 9, 2023
:calendar: October 21-22, 2023
:round_pushpin: New Orleans, LA, USA


:people_holding_hands: Community Q&A (No deep technical discussions)

:exclamation: Guideline for asking a Question

  1. Specify what you are trying to achieve
  2. Specify what environment / platform you are using
  3. Prepare a Link or Document to help understand if possible
  4. First, ask the question on Discord or create a Github Issue!
  5. If you take over 5 minutes for the question, please continue in Discord or a Github Issue.

Q.1 : Bootloader hardware type comparison - Farhang

How are different board revisions detected?

Answer: Resistor divider in the baseboard, embedded in the hardware.

Q.2: Holybro X500 V2 setup - mch82

There’s telemetry radio (RX / TX) connected to the QGC, is that enough to fly the drone?

Answer: No RC is really needed. But it’s better to have the redundant telemetry (RC).

Q.3: Optical Flow



Q.4: 4G unit connection via companion computer - whynot

Question: Is it possible to hook up a 4g raspberry hat a companion computer
with Pixhawk; in a manner, that my drone and QGC are connected via Internet, and the TCP IP



  • yes its possible. i have used recently waveshare 4g/5g sim module/hat with Raspberry Pi for the same. - Balram
  • you could also use the ‘mavlink router’, and go ahead with maybe adding VPN, etc.

Note: Could be nice to check out this paper! https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Safe%2C-Open-Source%2C-4G-Connected-Self-Flying-Plane-Burke/79f6719ac260b62f9c4cc19f7d49f651cb5403ec

Q.5: Asking for mentorship - Maria

Hello, my name is Maria and I am working with PX4 for a group senior design project. Two questions:

Q1: Is anyone from the team available for a mentorship session? We have not been able to launch and would like some guidance.

The goal is to do gazebo sim, and holybro?

Q2: where is the development team on creating a docker container for px4 that is Macos compatible?

All the docker containers of px4 are not compatible for Mac, so doesn’t work.

Q.6: Raspberry pi Pico board bringup troubleshooting - Josh

Added RP2040 support last year. Currently working on getting Micro SD to work.

  • Custom board design: This is open source currently!
  • SPI works fine (sensor communication works)
  • SD Card via NuttX works fine

But, when running with PX4, the file / Micro SD card is not detected.

Action Item:

  • Start a Github PR to discuss the issue in detail. Could be anything between startup race condition, etc.
  • And then, when board is working, feel free to add this hardware as officially supported in PX4


  • Lack of floating point hardware: Currently single core
  • For now the scheduling can be turned off for now - Daniel
  • Step1: Get second core working / Step 2: Get it to work fully

Q.7: Direct joint control in Gazebo - Jay

Currently in unsigned range, which is limiting.


  • float vs int

Q.8: Rover Mission not working - Alex

Currently in Mission, it ‘stops’ in the waypoint, and when switched to manual mode & back to mission, then the waypoint somehow advances.

GZ model: Would be nice to use Fuel model directly.

Relevant PR is already up:

Q.9: PX4Flow powering - Mcsauder

Currently can’t get data through I2C now. Also doesn’t get powered thru I2C.



  • There are some issues with startup timing


TODO: Update the docs to say it is ‘NOT’ recommended for builds → https://github.com/PX4/PX4-user_guide/pull/2449

Q.10: Extending the arm of a multirotor - whynot

Currently extending the arm length of the multirotor to accommodate bigger propeller, which parameters should be changed?


Auxilary: You can check out this doc as well: https://docs.px4.io/main/en/config/actuators.html#motor-geometry-multicopter

:thinking: General Discussions

D.1 : Optical Flow testing for v1.14 beta

By sturner: https://discord.com/channels/1022170275984457759/1022185721450213396/1092830779429625977

Just tested with latest 1.14 and an ARK Flow. Possible that we have other issues with our configuration. This is with external vision inputs enabled where we are able to arm:

With external vision inputs disabled, we are unable to arm: https://review.px4.io/plot_app?log=c2b658cc-72ea-4b9f-9153-c13852865406

Greetings! I’m Diego, and I’m embarking on a project to create an affordable drone for educational purposes. I’m currently exploring the possibility of using PX4-Autopilot on the Raspberry Pi Pico to keep costs down. However, as a newcomer to embedded platform code development, I’m facing challenges in compiling the code found at https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/tree/main/boards/raspberrypi/pico.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance in this endeavor. If you have experience with compiling code for embedded systems or are familiar with PX4-Autopilot on the Raspberry Pi Pico, your insights would be invaluable. Thank you in advance for any support you can provide!

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