PX4 Community Q&A: March 29, 2023

March 29, 2023

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  • Community Announcement
  • Community Q&A
  • General Discussions

:loudspeaker: Community Announcement

A.1 : PX4 v1.14 beta version is out!! :tada:

Latest beta2 release: Release v1.14.0-beta2 · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub

How to: You just need to go to Firmware tab in QGC, and select ‘beta’ firmware version and flash your flight controller!

Please add your flight logs to this issue below:

Note: v1.14 release coordination is in progress: PX4 v1.14 Release · GitHub

:people_holding_hands: Community Q&A (No deep technical discussions)

:exclamation: Guideline for asking a Question

  1. Specify what you are trying to achieve
  2. Specify what environment / platform you are using
  3. Prepare a Link or Document to help understand if possible
  4. First, ask the question on Discord or create a Github Issue!
  5. If you take over 5 minutes for the question, please continue in Discord or a Github Issue.

Q.1: PX4 v1.13.3 GPS Parameter is weird

With Cube Orange, GPS_2_PROTOCOL parameter doesn’t exist

Related: PX4 Community Q&A: March 15, 2023

We will answer in discord: Discord

Q.2: Flashing PX4 with custom bootloader using ST-Link - @mwbb


  • Flash the bootloader & the program?
  • Want to flash the firmware at once for mass (many drones) flashing


  • Need to build both bootloader & app, and concatenate them (use linker)
  • Definitely doable via J-Link, Alex does it frequently. It can even start the app too (can perform tests)
  • Matthias has flashed the bootloader via betaflight utility before with this. There’s a documentation on this:

Betafpv supported boards flash PX4 bootloader: https://docs.px4.io/main/en/flight_controller/kakuteh7v2.html#px4-bootloader-update

But you need to take the correct bootloader for that specific board!


  • When this gets resolved, PTurner could contribute documentation on how to do this

Q.3: QGC with Airmap - Farhang

Answer: Ramon will help out, as it is related to QGC.

Q.4: Log streaming inconsistency - I am vd40


  • Pixhawk with Raspberry Pi
  • Pixhawk has SD card installed
  • Running v1.13 with customization


  • Pixhawk doen’st log anything sometimes
  • ULog Streaming also shows nothing (when checked via Raspberry pi)


  • Maybe CPU priority is depressing logging? > Probably not, because the log file itself isn’t even created
  • Started happening 2~3 weeks ago
  • The occurrences are not that frequent. Quite rare, but it does happen :thinking:


  • Vd40 will create an issue and review from beat will be requested


:thinking: General Discussions

D.1 :

**PX4 v1.13.3 **
Pixhawk Orange CUBE

I would like to bring to the attention of the dev team that in PX4 v1.13.3 , the NMEA protocol is shown as one of the options for primary GPS1 under QGC ----> Parameters --------> GPS_1_PROTOCOL but this option is not there for secondary GPS 2 .
Is there any reason for this to be that way .

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Not sure if am joining the call but two questions:

  1. How can you flash PX4 with custom bootloader using ST-Link? Is there any address change needed somewhere or if this process is even documented somewhere?

  2. Am trying to build QGC for Airmap capability for android. Desktop build shows Airmap tab and works perfectly. But for Android (armv7) there is no Airmap capability. Is this disabled somewhere in make files that I need to enable for Android build?

Would appreciate if you can share your thoughts.

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Linkback test: v1.14.0 beta: Yaw estimate error in ATL Mantis Edu · Issue #21387 · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub

Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.