I am trying to use the Pixhawk 4 with qground control but I keep running into issues with the radio not being found when it does, also a battery issue where it is saying ( Power redundancy not met: 0 instead of 1). I have looked at solutions for these issues but I am confused about how it is implemented. I am on version PX4 pro v 1.14.3.
What is your power setup? Can you share some details or a picture with explanations?
I am using a 6s LiPO that is connected to the power distruiber that comes with the kit and I have the cable that is connected to the Pixhawk. The voltage on the battery is at 22.4 v.
Within the software I have set the low voltage at 3.6 and the high voltage at 4.05 and the current draw at 0.1 amp.
Does voltage and current show up in the battery/power tab in QGC? Can you configure it? I unfortunately don’t remember how the setup was for Pixhawk 4.
I also check the power connection to the Pixhawk, all of the pins besides the 2nd black wire give 0 v, and the 3rd gives 3.3 volts everything else is giving 5 volts