Incorrect Value with Battery status


I am using PX4 and the PixHawk 2.1 (cube) and its power module.
As we areworking an autonomous flights, w need to read the information related to the battery to plan a gohome when necessary (for instance).
However when I read the information I got the following values - here is a MAVROS message but these values are identical when I used Analyze (QGC):

 seq: 216
    secs: 1528206242
    nsecs: 464688044
  frame_id: ''
voltage: 65.5350036621
current: 0.00999999977648
charge: nan
capacity: nan
design_capacity: nan
percentage: -0.00999999977648
power_supply_status: 2
power_supply_health: 0
power_supply_technology: 3
present: True
cell_voltage: []
location: "id0"
serial_number: ''
  seq: 217
    secs: 1528206242
    nsecs: 665512459
  frame_id: ''
voltage: 65.5350036621
current: 0.00999999977648
charge: nan
capacity: nan
design_capacity: nan
percentage: -0.00999999977648
power_supply_status: 2
power_supply_health: 0
power_supply_technology: 3
present: True
cell_voltage: []
location: "id0"
serial_number: ''

I got -1 for the percentage and what is surprising 65V on Voltage (with a 4 cells Lipo battery). I am wondering whether I did something wrong when I configured the battery with QGC, this is why I included a snapshot of these parameters and their values below:

Another point worth to mention is that on QGC, i am not able to modify the voltage divider because it mentioned “vehicle voltage = -1” but the drone is able o be armed and fly - so where is the problem?


As I am still stuck with this issue, I am able to provide more information by running listener battery_status, llistener system_power and adc test - if someone can point me where I am wrong, it will be very helpfull:


Flight controller does not see battery voltage, battery status is N/A on QGC on your screenshot.

You should solder/repair/connect voltage divider to voltage sensor pin on power port - after this tune battery parameters - QGC should display correct battery percentage and voltage, instead of “N/A”

After this mavros should also start to post correct battery voltage/percentage info.

I have a same problem… did you solve the problem?

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