Omnicopter problems

I made an omnicopter by using the settings from Omnicopter | PX4 User Guide,but I can’t make it fly, the rotors spined strangely, most of them are constantly changing directions, it can’t provide the force to the up. which param should I change?

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Amazing that you built it! Could you provide a log? That would be helpful!

Also, feel free to join the Discord server to troubleshoot the problem as well:

Thanks for reply! This is my log on the website:
Flight Review - Octorotor (
I didn’t load the GPS, Magnetometer and Telemetry link. I think it doesn’t matter.

It seems like the rate control is oscillating, probably indicating that some of your motors are wrongly configured (geometry wise or rotation direction or propeller installment wise).

Have you verified that all motors are correctly configured & propeller directions as well?