Kakute h7 Telem Radio 1 not working

I have attached my sik telem radio to uart1 on the Kakute board and it is not picking it up? Wondering if I am missing anything here

mav_0_config is default

1 1 MAV_0_CONFIG 101 6
1 1 MAV_0_FLOW_CTRL 2 6
1 1 MAV_0_FORWARD 1 6
1 1 MAV_0_MODE 0 6
1 1 MAV_0_RADIO_CTL 1 6
1 1 MAV_0_RATE 1200 6
1 1 MAV_1_CONFIG 0 6
1 1 MAV_2_CONFIG 0 6
1 1 MAV_COMP_ID 1 6

my RC_PORT_CONFIG is set to radio as i have ELRS r6/t6

It says I should be able to user uart 1 for telem but no luck. Both radi set to 57600

Do you have the flow control pins connected? Otherwise, try with flow control set to off.

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I ended up moving telem to uart3 and changing the port. Still not working, but telem to speak to each other when my fc is connected via usb to qgc which is odd. They just wont speak when i have a battery connected. I dont have flow pins connected so turned it off still same problem