Install firmware 1.14 PX4 in VTOL

Hello everyone,
I have my new VTOL and I want to know how I can install the stable version 1.14 of PX4, which is the version that my other VTOL flew with and the old one flew well with that version. Could you help me, I would really appreciate it.

You can just first save the Parameters to a file from you VTOL you was flying, then you take a Flightcontroller you want to use for you new VTOL, then you download and upload the stable firmware. After that you can upload the parameter file you saved earlier to the the new Flightcontroller

Thank you so much @diana_diaz. You have a nice day and better weekend.

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Definitely save your Parameters like @diana_diaz suggested. Ever since v1.15 came out though, the needed v1.14 “.px4” files are all gone off the website and you have to rebuild them from source code.

We just had to rollback from v1.15 stable to v1.14.4 since v1.15 didn’t work for our VTOL (tailsitter). Since the needed file (“px4_fmu-v3_default.px4”) for our hardware (Cube Black) was gone, I had a friend of mine who has the toolchain for building the code from source code make it for me.

Let us know if you get stuck along the way!