April 19, 2024, 6:25am
Hello everyone, there is a problem,
If the geofence is set in PX4(through QGC), the QGC would show the message “GeoFence transfer failed. Error: Mission read failed, maximum retries exceeded.” during the linking between QGC and PX4. Does anyone has the idea about this problem?
QGC: v4.3.0(83d9a3c), Andorid(Galaxy Tab Active3, Android V13)
PX4: Stable Release v1.14.0(83d9a3c), “Cube Orange plus” with “Airbot Mini carrier board”
Can you try latest v1.14.2. I know that’s not flashed by default in QGC but maybe you can build it on your own?
This has been fixed a while ago:
← PX4:pr-mission-type
opened 09:31PM - 19 Oct 23 UTC
Fixes #22069.
The mission_type was defaulted to 0 before which messed with tr… ansmitting geofence and rally items.
Needs to go into v1.14 as well.
Thanks to [av-jeroen]( for reporting the bug.
And backported to v1.14:
← PX4:pr-backport-mission-type
opened 01:51AM - 05 Nov 23 UTC
Backport of
April 22, 2024, 2:36am
I tried the latest v1.14.2, the problem solved, thank you so much.
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I am using the 1.15.0 version and the geofence set but I am still facing these issues when I try to do HITL in jmavsim