FMUv4 (STM32F4, 2015) / mRo Pixracer

Good day dear community members. I’m designing custom Pixracer board, but some sensors (ICM-20608 Accel / Gyro , MPU9250 Accel / Gyro / Mag , HMC5983 magnetometer , MS5611 barometer) discontinued in production. Can I use another sensors in my project which is provided in this link? : PX4-Autopilot/src/drivers at main · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub

If yes, do I need to do something in bootloader/firmware code for MCU can communicate with these sensors?

I want to use PX4 Simulink Support Package and Mission Planner as software.

Good day, you can set the sensors listed, be careful during the design and also the connections to the mcu.
Baro MS5611 its still under production.

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Thanks for reply.
I used:

  • ICM-20602 instead of ICM-20608-G
  • LIS3MDLTR instead of HMC5983-TR
  • MPU-6500 instead of MPU-9250
  • Also added QMC5883L in addition on I2C Bus
    All port connections is the same as mRo Pixracer board. Please say me after finishing PCB board, what I need to do for using this board with Mission Planner or QGroundControl like original board?

The board must be check before the assembly…bcoz i think you rework the original design.
You must define it porting new board as described in px4 or ardupilot… it depends on the firmware you want point and real usage.