Dds_topics.yaml file does not work

I want to use PX4 offboard mode. For this, I wrote the codes using ROS2 C++. I need the location of the vehicle for my codes. Although VehicleGlobalPosition, VehicleLocalPosition and VehicleOdometry topics are open in the dds_topics.yaml file, they do not appear in the ros2 topic list

MicroXRCEAgent udp4 -p 8888

When I proceed using micro_ros_agent, micro_ros_agent gives an error. (this page)

ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888
[1726209212.561731] info     | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | port: 8888
[1726209212.562137] info     | Root.cpp           | set_verbose_level        | logger setup           | verbose_level: 4
[1726209213.605104] info     | Root.cpp           | create_client            | create                 | client_key: 0x00000001, session_id: 0x81
[1726209213.605176] info     | SessionManager.hpp | establish_session        | session established    | client_key: 0x00000001, address:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_array_new_length'
  what():  std::bad_array_new_length
[ros2run]: Aborted

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • ROS: ROS2 Humble
  • PX4: 1.14