Create custom model for SITL but fail to connect with QGC

I want to create a vtol model with gimbal and camera , I follow the previous topic and add gimbal and camera from typhoon_h480. It show perfectly in Gazebo, but I can not control camera by rostopic pub /mavros/mount/command

I follow the step in this topic and the step provide by PX4 user guide in add new airframe, I make sure I have change channel number .

I did:

  • I created a folder under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models for my model, named my_vehicle
  • I created the following files under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/my_vehicle: model.config and my_vehicle.sdf
  • I create my own airframe file in init.d-posix.
  • I added the airframe name to the platforms/posix/cmake/sitl_target.cmake in the command set(models …)
  • And finaly i added 1999_my_vehicle to PX4-Autopilot/ROMFS /px4fmu_common /init.d-posix/airframes/CMakeLists.txt

My issue :

  1. can not connect to QGroundControl
  2. can not control /mavros/mount/command

for convenience I set right leg and left leg joint type into “fixed”, but I think in it conclude both gimbal and leg in mixer “mount_legs.aux.mix” , which control both gimbal and leg, is there will be an issue?

Hi, I am facing same issue. Did you solve it?