Connecting a Crossfire Nano Receiver to PX4

Do I wire the Crossfire Nano Receiver to TELEM1? Will I be able to upload new missions via mission/direct it to a new position via QGround Control at the same time, have a means of manual control via a handheld RC if I were to use this method?

Hi @Meng_Lee_Lim ,

I usually connect my Crossifre Nano via SBUS to the SBUS port of the Pixhawk. To activate the SBUS output of the RX module, you can follow those instructions: Setup Crossfire to Output SBUS - Oscar Liang

Good luck!


crossfire using Sbus, will affect in its latency. it will downgraded.not recommended, should crsf using a full uart tx rx

Hello there.
I actually achieved what you’re talking about.
Crossfire module connected to Wi-Fi hotspot from my phone transmitting to a nano receiver which connects to and reports back MAVLINK from PX to a laptop, also connected to the mobile hotspot.
Connecting will take unusually long and timeout during the last step (mission transfer).
But everything else is working (if latent…) and mission transfer will work also.
When it says “vehicle failed to send final acknowledgement” just keep retrying.

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Hi Christian,

Thank you! This worked for me. But as you mentioned, it works intermittently and times requires a couple of attempts to get it to connect. Appreciate the help.


You could change the MAVLINK mode to “Minimal” which does make connecting much faster but certain functions aren’t supported in that mode. Glad it worked for you, though.
Oh and absolutely set the RF mode of your receiver to 150hz, helps with dropouts and failed connection attempts…

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