I have a FlySky receiver and transmitter set that I am trying to initialize my PixHawk board with.
Previously, this connection has worked fine and I was able to calibrate the Radio in QGroundControl and receive signals to the board.
Over the span of the last few days, (without changing any of the equipment on the board), I have begun to receive a message stating “0 Radio Channels detected” even though I didn’t have this issue before.
The Receiver’s connection to the board seems to be fine as the receiver is getting power and is connecting with the transmitter.
What are common causes and/or solutions for problems like this?
Safety Switch also broken
Much Appreciated!
I like that you have a train in your Windows search bar .
Hm, it looks like the IO board is communicating ok which means it might be a hardware issue. Especially given it used to work but no longer does. I would try on a different Pixhawk, or otherwise check with the vendor what they suggest. Or last resort, open up the board and inspect if you can find something like a loose solder connection, or a short.