Why is Gazebo Garden used instead of Gazebo Fortress for Px4 +ROS2 example

My question is why is Gazebo Garden used instead of Gazebo Fortress for Px4 +ROS2 example?

I am following along with the tutorial from: https://docs.px4.io/main/en/ros/ros2_comm.html

However I noticed in the step that we install on ubuntu

bash ./PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh

the ubuntu.sh file installs gazebo garden. According to Gazebo’s website, if a user is using ROS and Gazebo they should be using Gazebo Fortress.

I am following along and so far so good, but I am wondering if I am increasing the possibility that I will run into issues later down the road if I continue with Garden instead of Fortress.

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did you find the workaround for this? how to use gazebo-fortress with px4?

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I did not, I have continued with garden