This is not only a question about QGC but I was not able to find any post about such an issue on either Cube or ArduPilot Discuss and it made the most amount of sense to post it here.
I have a question about how we could get a video stream to two or more QGC clients. I will try to explain in an easy to understand way what we would like to archive and what we have learned so far.
The current setup: camera - Siyi ZR10, Herelink with AirV1.1, Autopilot stack, second QGC client runs on a laptop. The Herelink ground unit and the laptop are connected to the same 3G/4G router (TP-Link AC1200).
We would like to access the video stream on two devices simultaneously that both run QGC. It is important that the Herelink QGC video stream is with as low latency as possible. Currently the latency is not great but of course usable because not only does the digital link add a bit of latency but the camera is not the best on the market so it has some latency on its own. The other stream cannot have more than 15 sec of latency.
We have added a route path on the TP-Link AC1200 to be able to access the IP range (from and we can access the camera RTSP stream from the laptop, which is under We can access the stream from the Herelink, under the same IP. Now the problem is when we try to view it on two devices in the same time - when we are basically pulling 2 separate streams directly from the camera - and hitting a bottleneck on the camera, maybe the Herelink too or maybe one cannot view the same RTSP in 2 places simultaneously.
We are curious on how do other people solve this issue?
Siyi has their own solution, in which you run their SIYI FPV apk with different settings on two Android devices. But we would like to stick with the Herelink. I am sure we could find/develop a RTSP server that runs on the Herelink to take the stream and pass it to multiple devices, including the on-board QGC but that would add some latency.
Is there a solution from someone to share that stream so that it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, considering the issues that come with a mobile network like a 3G/4G hotspot? We have been asked by clients that would be interested in that.
Telemetry works on 2 devices so that is fine.
Thank you!