Unstable Motors output - Cube Orange Hexarotor x

Can’t fix it. I set PWM_MAIN_MIN to 1100 or calibrated the ESCs(with Power setting in QGC) but the result as the same as some motors stop in the Manual/Stabilize mode.

= Armed → Thrt20-30% → Some motors stop. → something Thrt or Tilt Roll and Pitch → The dead motors spin but another motors stop
(always there’re 2 motors that stop or spin very low RPM at the same time)

In Altitude or Position mode if I armed and release the throttle to the center the motors don’t start spinning then disarmed by the systems.

= Armed → Thrt50% → All motors do not spin

But if after arming(Altitude or Position Mode) and push up the throttle about 60-70% the motors starting to spin, then I must to lower the throttle to 20-30% to let it stay on the ground. Then some motors stop spinning after 20-30% about 10 seconds but if I quickly to takeoff it after 20-30% the hexarotor can fly normally.

= Armed → Thrt70% → Motors spin from 0 to fast → Thrt20-30% for 10 sec → Some motors stop
= Armed → Thrt70% → Motors spin from 0 to fast → Thrt30% → Thrt up and control it to smooth takeoff → Fly normally.

I was test with my Quadrotor with not FOC ESCs it fly normally.
Please help.
What’s my mistake of this symptom?