Hello! Do any of you guys have an understanding of how the parameter MC_YAW_WEIGHT
impacts multicopter flight? I was reading through the code where it was implemented in AttitudeControl.cpp
void AttitudeControl::setProportionalGain(const matrix::Vector3f &proportional_gain, const float yaw_weight)
_proportional_gain = proportional_gain;
_yaw_w = math::constrain(yaw_weight, 0.f, 1.f);
// compensate for the effect of the yaw weight rescaling the output
if (_yaw_w > 1e-4f) {
_proportional_gain(2) /= _yaw_w;
matrix::Vector3f AttitudeControl::update(const Quatf &q) const
Quatf qd = _attitude_setpoint_q;
// calculate reduced desired attitude neglecting vehicle's yaw to prioritize roll and pitch
const Vector3f e_z = q.dcm_z();
const Vector3f e_z_d = qd.dcm_z();
Quatf qd_red(e_z, e_z_d);
if (fabsf(qd_red(1)) > (1.f - 1e-5f) || fabsf(qd_red(2)) > (1.f - 1e-5f)) {
// In the infinitesimal corner case where the vehicle and thrust have the completely opposite direction,
// full attitude control anyways generates no yaw input and directly takes the combination of
// roll and pitch leading to the correct desired yaw. Ignoring this case would still be totally safe and stable.
qd_red = qd;
} else {
// transform rotation from current to desired thrust vector into a world frame reduced desired attitude
qd_red *= q;
// mix full and reduced desired attitude
Quatf q_mix = qd_red.inversed() * qd;
// catch numerical problems with the domain of acosf and asinf
q_mix(0) = math::constrain(q_mix(0), -1.f, 1.f);
q_mix(3) = math::constrain(q_mix(3), -1.f, 1.f);
qd = qd_red * Quatf(cosf(_yaw_w * acosf(q_mix(0))), 0, 0, sinf(_yaw_w * asinf(q_mix(3))));
// quaternion attitude control law, qe is rotation from q to qd
const Quatf qe = q.inversed() * qd;
// using sin(alpha/2) scaled rotation axis as attitude error (see quaternion definition by axis angle)
// also taking care of the antipodal unit quaternion ambiguity
const Vector3f eq = 2.f * qe.canonical().imag();
// calculate angular rates setpoint
matrix::Vector3f rate_setpoint = eq.emult(_proportional_gain);
// Feed forward the yaw setpoint rate.
// yawspeed_setpoint is the feed forward commanded rotation around the world z-axis,
// but we need to apply it in the body frame (because _rates_sp is expressed in the body frame).
// Therefore we infer the world z-axis (expressed in the body frame) by taking the last column of R.transposed (== q.inversed)
// and multiply it by the yaw setpoint rate (yawspeed_setpoint).
// This yields a vector representing the commanded rotatation around the world z-axis expressed in the body frame
// such that it can be added to the rates setpoint.
if (is_finite(_yawspeed_setpoint)) {
rate_setpoint += q.inversed().dcm_z() * _yawspeed_setpoint;
// limit rates
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rate_setpoint(i) = math::constrain(rate_setpoint(i), -_rate_limit(i), _rate_limit(i));
return rate_setpoint;
I’m trying to understand how the yaw weight impacts things here. It looks like it just shortens the yaw setpoint demanded by _yaw_w
, so if the yaw weight is .4 and we were going to ask for a yaw heading 10deg away, we are now using a yaw heading 4deg away instead. This would slow the rate at which yaw setpoints are achieved because it would ultimately decrease the error, and therefore decrease the yawrate commanded. To ffset this, the yaw proportional gain is scaled by 1 / _yaw_w
so the rate setpoint would ultimately calculate the same setpoint.
IF this is the case, and I am understanding it correctly, this just cancels out the effect of the yaw weight. If so, what exactly is the MC_YAW_WEIGHT
parameter supposed to do?
If I am misunderstanding, please explain! Ty