Unable to upload firmware to Pixhawk 6c

This is my 1st drone project and I am getting off to a shaky start. I am using the Pixhawk 6c with the s500 v2 devkit from holybro. I have tried updating the firmware on OSX as well as Windows and have also tried various cables. Still no luck and am getting the same error each time.

getBoardInfo failed: "Sync: Send Command: Get Command Response: Timeout waiting for bytes to be available"

Upgrade Cancelled

A deeper dive from the console shows this:
FirmwareUpgradeLog: open: "cu.usbmodem01"
"Auterion" "PX4 FMU v6C.x"
FirmwareUpgradeLog: 0 "Pixhawk"
FirmwareUpgradeLog: getBoardInfo failed: "Sync: Send Command: Get Command Response: Timeout waiting for bytes to be available"
FirmwareUpgradeLog: PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::cancel
FirmwareUpgradeVerboseLog: _cancel
FirmwareUpgradeLog: reboot
LinkManagerLog: New auto-connect UDP port added
LinkManagerLog: allocateMavlinkChannel 1
LinkInterfaceLog: _allocateMavlinkChannel 1

If you have any suggestions for how to move forward, please let me know.

I’m having same problem with same kit and FC
let me know if you get any solution please

I’m having the same issue – any help would be greatly appreciated.

@Megaplow did you ever have any luck?

having the same issue- waiting for any solutions