Unable to exit callibration mode

Motors got calibrated , I was able to run them
And once I disconnect the lipo and re connect back again motors are beeping
The throttle was down while powering back.
Radio was calibrated before esc callibration!
Still every time I power on motors beeps
But if I press safety switch for 2seconds till solid red …motors gives callibrated sound
And stops sounding. They r quiet.
Once dis-connect lipo and reconnect …beeping restarts…
What could be the issue??

This this thing helped me
Disable safety switch, solved the issue of continuous motors beeping
So what I realised is: motors beeping continuously is not an error but safety switch was preventing the fc to write minimum pulse to esc. When safety switch is long pressed, for 2 seconds motors gets activated as FC starts writing minimum pulse to esc
By disabling safety switch FC starts writing minimum pulse right from start up(of course after 2seconds booting delay)