UAV Don't Follow All Waypoint

I Have Fixed Wing Aircraft,
The last 3 Flight were done with Mission Mode, But UAV is not follow All Waypoints, Some Times Pass Some waypoint, more interesting, aircraft draw a circle but I don’t define this circle. Could You Help Me?

As you can see here, I don’t want to draw a small circle, the plane should go throughout the waypoint but it’s drawing a circle why? Why plane need to do it? I’ve examined the log file but I can’t reason because every parameter value is good for flight.
Waiting for your comments and suggestions.
Note: Unfortunately I don’t have a plan file (including waypoints) I only have Log File.
I uploaded it to drive, because file formant is not accepted.

Hi @VLacking ,

For fixedwings, the minimum acceptance radius is defined by the L1 distance: Mission Mode | PX4 User Guide

Thank you for answer ,
I Want to ask one more question about these issue.
As you mentioned,2 different parameter (L1 Damping and L1 period) for tuning radius. Which parameter should be changed for tuning ? L1 Damping or L1 Period, Right now, we going to tune L1 Period parameter and will see result.
If my UAV fly successfully with smaller radius, use L1 Period for tuning but I Have no idea about L1 Damping , (I readed px4 docs but no explanation for L1 Damping)