Simulink to PX4 interface

I’m trying to load custom firmware into my Pixhawk 2.1 Cube (Black) using the UAV Toolbox support package for PX4 Autopilot. But I’m not able to finish the upload and validation process. It gets to the stage upload after building the firmware but it doesn’t course through. I tried to unplug the flight controller and re-plug as instructed if doesn’t respond, but it doesn’t work. I had tried to load firmware for over 8 hours.

Uav Toolbox version 1.0
Uav toolbox support package for PX4 Autopilots version 20.2.2
PX4 flight stack (Default Firmware) version 1.12
Custom firmware is based on firmware version 1.10

Please suggest a solution to this problem. Thank you.

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