Setup vehicle with out rc receiver?

An alternative solution (if you wanna tinker) would be like what PX4 1.12 on Scorpion 80 HD whoop (w. Mamba f405 mini mk2) - #8 by taileron mentioned. BUT PLEASE GET AN RECEIVER thats the basic component of flight stack.

  1. Get a ESP01 or the ESP8266, or a wifi module, you can flash ArduPilot firmware : /Tools/MAVESP8266/2019-01-23 with GitHub - espressif/esptool: Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility to the board.
  2. Connect your phone to the pixracer wifi address.
  3. Download QGroundControl on iphone or android.
  4. Enable Virtual Joystick read more over here Virtual Joystick (PX4) ยท QGroundControl User Guide
  5. Use arm/disarm and change mode over QGC, and please check functionality first before flying.
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