Setting up the PX4-Fast RTPS(DDS) Bridge with real hardware


Doew anyone know how to set up PX4-Fast RTPS(DDS) Bridge with PX4 installed Pixhawk Cube (Black)?

I am trying to set up the connection with my Ubuntu 22.04 laptop and PX4 installed Pixhawk Cube. They are physically connected with usb. I tried to follow the tutorial, however it didn’t say much other than with SITL (RTPS/DDS Interface: PX4-Fast RTPS(DDS) Bridge | PX4 User Guide (main))

Thanks in advance!

It seems like the “UXRCE_DDS_CFG” only allows setting non-USB cable port for now: uXRCE-DDS (PX4-ROS 2/DDS Bridge) | PX4 User Guide (main)

Quick solution would be to:

  1. Connect an actual Serial adapter to one of the TELEM or GPS ports (which are essentially Serial ports) exposed on your hardware.
  2. If you have ethernet, set the appropriate parameters

And if you connect either via Serial or Ethernet to the host computer, and start the agent, you should get all the messages coming through the serial / ethernet port.

However, if you want to use the USB cable port, that’s uncertain for now, I will ask in the server

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