RTSP URL for Skydroid T10 RC and Skydroid C10 camera in QGC

I am using Pixhawk 2.4.8, Skydroid T10 RC, and SkyDroid C10 camera, can anyone please help me with the RTSP/UDP setting for it on Android?

Have you tried to ask SkyDroid correctly or check their docs?

When you say Pixhawk 2.4.8, are you using PX4 or ArduPilot? This forum is for the PX4 software.

I am using Pixhawk Flight controller. Yes, I checked the doc but couldn’t find anything. Skydroid has an app(Skydroid FPV) that does the streaming but it doesn’t have any SDK or description. I wanted to use QGC. If you could provide any pointers that would be a great help.
