QGroundControl HITL Airframe Motor doesn't spin

Hi all,

My motors in Actuators will start spinning when I select Generic Quadcopter Airframe but when I choose HIL Quadcopter X Airframe, the motors won’t spin when I tried testing it. Anyone encountered this before?

I’m also able to arm but nothing moves when I’m ‘flying’/ when the throttle is pushed up. Would appreciate any advice or input, thank you!

hi, here is the likely solution to your problem

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hi they seem to be having the same bug, does this mean there hasn’t been a fix yet? I think I saw previous instances of HITL working - I’ve tried installing v1.13 files and it still doesn’t work yet. Any suggestions on fixing this?

Yeah thats me opening the issue. It caused by the not enough memory for all the modules simultaneously. it is caused by the 1.14. it should work on the 1.13 version. make sure to reset all the parameters after any firmware change.

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I’m using the v1.13 git files for the simulation! Can I check what you mean to reset the parameters - the firmware for the PX board downloaded in QGC shouldn’t change, right? Do I have to do a custom firmware installation for it?

Thanks for your reply!

Like in the parameters section there are a option where you also reboot the vehicle when needed, there is a option called reset the parameters to the firmware’s defualt or airframes. try both and see if they work
Also do you follow the official hitl guide?

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I did, I tried rebooting as well.

I just realised the is from the HITL enabled under the safety section. If I have it disabled, the motors will move.

Hey guys
I am experiencing an issue with the HITL simulation and seeking some advice.
I am using Pixhawk 6C as my flight controller with PX4 1.14.3. The gazebo version is 11.10.2, QGroundControl is v4.3.0, and I selected the airframe as Holybro X500 V2 (since it is mentioned that it is compatible with HITL since it is a generic quadcopter airframe).
I successfully set up my environment according to the HITL documentation. The iris model is visible and correctly loaded in Gazebo, and it appears that the flight controller is connected to both Gazebo and QGroundControl without any issues. However, I am unable to arm the vehicle using either my transmitter or directly through QGroundControl…
Do you think I should just change the version to 1.13.0?!

Im working with the Cube orange FC and v1.13.3 custom with the modules I added below.

When HITL enable is set the drone moves in sim but not in IRL. When external HITL is set the IRL motors move but sim does not provide sensor values especially GPS in order to run missions. Also the sim model does not move. Been going down a rabbit hole on this and have not found a solution yet.

Adding CONFIG_MODULES_SIMULATION_SIMULATOR_SIH=y (or more specifically the CONFIG_MODULES_SIMULATION_PWM_OUT_SIM=y) to the default.px4board provides HIL output in the actuator tab and allowed my to control the IRL motor via the radio or QGC. this only works when ‘external HITL’ is set.

I tried changing hil_state_level but that doesnt seem to change anything. (can’t find documentation on it)

I have also added these modules to the cube orange default.px4board:
adding these modules actually made things worse by not being able to arm the drone, all the sensors are missing.

In MAVLink Inspector I see HIL_ACUATOR_CONTROLS at ~100Hz when ‘HITL enable’ is set but the controls are all 0.

If any of you have done anything different please let me know