QGC cannot load customed PX4 firmware information completely

Hello, when i upload my customed PX4 firmware (based px4 v1.14.3, added one customed Airframes file and some Modules) to Pixhawk 6c mini, and connect it to QGC in Ubuntu 20.04, QGC usually cannot load well and the progress bar is always stuck halfway like this, or take a much long time (>5min) to load fully:

But when i check the PX4 Running status in Mavlink Shell,I find it running well,and can pass the status by mavlink,so maybe there is nothing wrong with the connection between pixhawk and QGC.

And when i use QGC in Windows to connect my Pixhawk, the QGC can always load well and quickly, this really comfused me.

I have changed the QGC version to newer or older under Ubuntu, but it all doesn’t work well. Unfortunately i have not another Pixhawk to test this. So i really want to know the problem is from my customed PX4-Firmware or the QGC version.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help resolve the issue!

I solved this by clearing the ‘SD card’!